Dear Website Visitor,
Perhaps there is no better way to begin this brief welcome than to borrow the words of St. Paul. "Grace to you and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."
(II Thessalonians 1:2)
We are delighted that you have taken some valuable time to visit us on this website and if you are in our area, we hope to meet you face to face. Our modest size and the extraordinary legacy of faith on which we are building have made St. Johns a place where grace and peace can easily be found, especially during those times in life when they are needed the most. This website and content are a testimony to our progressive nature, but we have also eagerly held fast to the great traditions of hymnody, fine preaching and Biblical truth that epitomize our Lutheran heritage.
In closing, let me borrow once more from Saint Paul: "All those who are with me send greetings to you…Grace be with you all."
In Christ,
Pastor Walters