If you are seeking a church home, we believe that you will find a warm, accepting, and caring family here at St. John's.
The following information has been prepared by our Outreach Committee to briefly describe who we are. We welcome you to join in our worship and fellowship on Sundays and to participate in special services and activities throughout the year.
Yours in Christ,
The Outreach Committee
Who are we?
A community of believers serving Christ's Kingdom in the southern Bergen County area since 1926.
Affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
What do we believe?
In a loving Father who created us.
In a compassionate Son by whose grace we are saved.
In an ever-present Holy Spirit who daily comforts, guides and enables us in the life of discipleship.
How do we stay united?
Through thoughtful prayer and concern for each other.
Through an active email listserv.
Through active participation in many congregational activities.
Through an informative monthly newsletter and through weekly bulletins.
Through a continually updated church directory.
Who do we worship?
Praising Father, Son and Holy Spirit in a variety of liturgies in the tradition of the Lutheran Church.
In services of Word and Sacrament, Weekly Holy Communion
In special mid-week Lenten services
In healing services
With joyful participation:
Dedicated choir and handbell choir
Professional organist, Dr. T
Schantz pipe organ
Active Altar Guild
Ushers, greeters, acolytes, lay readers and communion assistants.
Seasonal devotions
Creative and artistic talents, individual music contributions, seasonal decorations, seasonal programs
How our life in Christ is further enriched through warm hearted fellowship and services, as found in:
Sunday morning coffee hours
Home bible studies
Congregational meals
Church picnic
Decorating our Christmas tree
Parish Life
Landscaping and lawn maintenance crew
Rummage Sales
Candy Sales
How do we grow?
Through a comprehensive Christian nurturing program for everyone.
Total Family Sunday School
First Communion classes (grade 5)
Confirmation classes (grades 7&8)
Children's Worship
Prayer fellowship
Readily available pastoral counseling
Library for all ages
Reaching out to those looking for a church home through:
Personal invitation
New member recruitment
Providing a warm welcome for all ages
Community involvement
Nationally and Internationally: Through our benevolence gifts to the ELCA, the World Hunger Appeal, and other charities.
In our community, we...
Participate in local service programs:
Community food pantry donations
Interreligious Fellowship for the Homeless of Bergen County
Peter's Place
55 Kip Center
Rutherford Interfaith Council
Seek to address community needs by providing space for:
Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts
Learning Express Day Care
Boeun Presbyterian Korean Church
Counseling Center
Music Lessons
Provide temporary assistance through our Good Samaritan Fund.
Participate in the Meadowlands Mission Cluster activities.
Sponsor charity recitals
Visit hospitals and nursing homes
Deliver flowers to shut-ins
Provide pastoral care to the unchurched